The rumors were true: Taylor Swift, during her show at The Sommet Center tonight, debuted the Nashville Predators 3rd jersey.
Swift, who’s been featured in Predators TV spots, took the stage during the encore and showed off the jersey – and advertised the team – to the 18,000 strong inside the building.
Channel 2 News’ Christine Maddela cast a doubt on the possibility of the 3rd jersey making it’s debut by saying that the big surprise at the concert was going to be Faith Hill guesting on a song with Swift. And while that did happen, the “surprise” that Steve Sullivan had tweeted about earlier in the day was, in fact, the teen mega-star debuting her favorite teams’ new jersey.
A couple months ago, Predator fans saw a mock-up that included the much maligned “checkerboard” design as the main bottom trim. Thankfully, the final 3rd jersey is checkerboard-free. John Glennon states that the checkerboard is there, but only seen if up close.
Additionally, Nashville has said in the past that the jersey would be a retro-style and that was certainly the case. It features the neck laces and is much simpler in design. Just looking at the back of the jersey, it harkens back to a classic Toronto Maple Leafs sweater.
(BLOGGERS NOTE: When you see “13” in that lettering style, don’t you assume it says “Sundin” over it?)
So what are your thoughts on the new jersey? Some fans are angry that it was unvieled to screaming teeny-boppers at a pop concert while others just chalk it up to great advertising. Where do you stand?
(CODEY’S NOTE: I’m still in awe that we even did this. here’s a better shot we took of what the jersey looks like.)
Taylor Swift in new Predators 3rd jersey
[Codey – Update] At about the 2:00 mark in this shaky-cam video, you can get a good look at the jersey!